Due to changes implemented on June 1st by UPS, Free Shipping is not currently working. We are working on resolving this issue asap. In the mean time, if you are charged for shipping on items marked "Free Shipping", you can either place the order online and we will refund the shipping charge or you can call the office during our business hours and we will gladly take your order.
We will be closed on Fridays from now to August 30th. Have a great summer everyone.

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Using the vehicle selector to the right will present you with the correct selection of parts relevant to your specific vehicle.

We are currently developing our Affiliate Program.  There are two levels to our program.

Dealer: for non-stocking distributors that promote our products

a stocking dealer or warehouse that promotes our product and maintains minimum annual purchase levels.

If you would like to discuss an affiliate opportunity with us, please call 877-570-5630.